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We’ll build it mostly in Rust with a bit of Java (Spark and Flink) and Python (Airflow) and deployed on AWS and Kubernetes.

Scope Solution
REST API, gRPC axum, tonic
Websocket tokio-tungstenite
DB RDS, ScyllaDB, Google Cloud Spanner, Neo4j
Local app DB SurrealDB
Browser app egui, wasi, wasm-bindgen, rencfs, pgp
Local app desktop egui, mainline, transmission_rs, cratetorrent/rqbit,
quinn, rencfs, pgp, fuse3
Local app mobile Kotlin Multiplatform
Sync daemon tokio, rencfs, gdrive-rs, git2, rclone, Flink
Use Kafka rdkafka
Keycloak axum-keycloak-auth (in app token verificaton) or
Keycloak Gatekeeper (reverse proxy in front of the services)
Event Bus Kafka / Amazon SQS / RabbitMQ
Streaming processor Flink
File storage S3
Search and Analytics ELK, Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Apache Airflow
Identity Provider Keycloak
Cache Redis
Deploy AWS Lambda and Amazon EKS
Metrics Prometheus and Grafana Mimir
Tracing Prometheus and Grafana Tempo
Logs Grafana Loki